Environmental Issues of Synthetic Transporation Fuels from coal is written by Michael A. Chartock Michael D. Devine, Martin R. Cines, Martha W. Gilliland and Steven C. Ballard. This book explains how to increase Automobile Fuel Efficiency and Synthetic Fuels which act as alternatives for reducing oil Imports.
This report reviews environmental issues associated with coal liquefaction processes by addressing the following topics:
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- A comparison of the environmental differences among technologies;
- A comparison of the impacts among different coal regions;
- A description of the uncertainty of synfuels data and environmental effects; and
- An identification of problems aggravated by accelerated development schedules.
- Overview of Environmental Concerns such as mining, coal liquefaction and refining, product transport and end-use.
- Are there significant environmental differences among the coal liquefaction processes
- Emissions during "Routine" Operating conditions
- Upset/Accident risks
- Environmental health risks
- Product and conversion efficiency differences
- Upgrading and refining
- What are the important locational factors affecting environmental impacts
- Coal Characteristics
- Regional differences in environmental impacts
- Local factors affecting environmental impacts
- Are our institutional mechanisms adequate to ensure environmental protection
- Monitoring difficulties
- Environmental standards and compliance incentives
- Public perceptions
- Environmental research programs
- What are the environmental risks of an accelerated synfuels commercialization program.
- Risks due to technical uncertainties
- Difficulties in monitoring
- Regulatory Lag
- Impacts from rapid construction
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